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Occurrence of Bledug Kuwu

At  Ajisaka ruled of Medang Kamolan, comes a dragon who called himself Jaka linglung. According to his testimony, he was the son Ajisaka and when it was looking for her father. Looking at his form, Ajisaka refuse to recognize it as a child. Ajisaka was trying to get rid of the dragon, but with a very subtle way. To the dragon, Ajisaka said he would admit it as a child, if the dragon manages to kill the white crocodile Cengkar incarnation of Gods in the South Seas. Encouraged by the desire to be recognized as a son, Jake linglung Ajisaka request was agreed to kill Gods Cengkar.
Jaka linglung immediately departed. By Ajisaka, Jaka linglung is not allowed by road so as not to disturb the tranquility of the population. Instead, Ajisaka require Jaka linglung for depart  to the South Seas through the soil. In short, Jaka linglung also reached the South Sea and managed to kill Dewata Cengkar. As departure, the return to any Medang Kamolan Jaka linglung through the soil. And as proof that he has successfully reached the South Sea and kill Dewata Cengkar, Jake daze not forget to bring a bundle of grass “grinting wulung” and salty sea water.
Several times Jaka linglung trying to come to the surface, because it thinks it has reached the destination. The first time he appeared on Ngembak Village (now City District Purwodadi), then at Jono (Sub Tawangharjo), then in Grabagan, Crewek, and the last in Kuwu (third entry Kradenan District). In this Kuwu, reputedly Jaka linglung had time to unwind. And this is where the emergence of which is now believed to be the origin of the emergence of  Bledhug Kuwu.

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